Give To Fight Hunger This Feeding Tuesday- December 1, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank experiencing a decrease in food, funds and time. As the holiday season approaches, everyone knows about Black Friday, Cyber Monday, even Small Business Saturday. Still, many are unaware of the global day of giving, #GivingTuesday! Giving Tuesday... Read Give To Fight Hunger This Feeding Tuesday- December 1, 2020's Story

WAFB hosts virtual food drive for Hunger Action Month
Our community is balancing so many uncertainties caused by COVID-19. WAFB and the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank are asking for your help to make sure food isn't one of them. Help us stock the shelves as we move into fall by donating to WAFB’s “Food For Fall” virtual food... Read WAFB hosts virtual food drive for Hunger Action Month's Story

September is Hunger Action Month
Hunger impacts people in every corner of the country, including 1 in 5 of those in our community. Due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, that number may increase this year. This is why the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank joins Feeding America this September by taking part in... Read September is Hunger Action Month's Story

Our response to Hurricane Laura
The Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank is coordinating with Feeding America to maximize their support in response to the effects Hurricane Laura has left Southwestern Louisiana. It was only four years ago we ourselves were recovering from the devastating Flood of 2016 and many Feeding America food banks came to... Read Our response to Hurricane Laura's Story

Nutritious Items for Hurricane Preparation
With the unpredictable impacts of Hurricane Laura, the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank wants to ensure safety for our community. Having non-perishable food items are beneficial during uncertain circumstances. Our Nutrition Services team compiled a list of healthy food options to help you prepare for the upcoming storm: - Canned... Read Nutritious Items for Hurricane Preparation's Story

DCFS Releases LifeInCheck App for EBT Clients
Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) is the electronic system that allows qualifying recipients to receive government benefits. Louisiana uses a magnetic strip card known as the Louisiana Purchase Card. A mobile app was created for clients to manage their benefits in a more efficient and convenient way. LifeInCheck EBT is the... Read DCFS Releases LifeInCheck App for EBT Clients's Story

New Off-Site Volunteer Opportunity Now Available During COVID-19
As the need increases in our service area, the Food Bank is finding new ways to distribute food directly to those in need. Under normal operations, the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank is run as a warehouse facility. We solicit, procure, inventory and warehouse donated food and other products through... Read New Off-Site Volunteer Opportunity Now Available During COVID-19's Story

Pandemic Brings New Volunteers as Well as a Need for More
Donna Rogers first visited the Food Bank with her school group on a Saturday during normal operations. Months later, Donna saw a call for volunteers in the newspaper during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a teacher, she found herself with free time after her classes transitioned online, and she knew right... Read Pandemic Brings New Volunteers as Well as a Need for More's Story

Behind the Scenes of the Pandemic Impact to Member Agencies
Eelin Golan, the Executive Director of the Zachary Food Pantry, strongly believes her agency has to stay open as long as it can while the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be felt by our community. When looking back to the beginning Eelin remembers stating, “we are going to... Read Behind the Scenes of the Pandemic Impact to Member Agencies's Story

Once the pandemic hit, Elaine Simms found herself having to shut down her business. Not long after, she heartbreakingly lost her husband, significantly affecting her income. Once a cosmetologist, she is now providing support to fellow low-income community seniors. She sees the impact firsthand COVID-19 is having not only on... Read LOCAL CLIENTS HELP ELDERLY NEIGHBORS IN FACE OF PANDEMIC's Story