Holiday Tradition at Baton Rouge Zoo Provides Food for the New Year
During the 2019 holiday season, BREC’s Baton Rouge Zoo invited community members to celebrate the holidays with their annual Zoolights event. This event is a festive mile-long trail through the Zoo featuring more than 50 illuminated display sculptures of animals and traditional holiday spectacles. For the second year, the Zoo... Read Holiday Tradition at Baton Rouge Zoo Provides Food for the New Year's Story

Empty Bowls – POSTPONED
What is Empty Bowls? Empty Bowls is an international project to fight hunger, personalized by artists and art organizations on a community level. This event will take place at the EBRP Goodwood Library in Baton Rouge on October 3, 2020. You are invited to attend this special event in its... Read Empty Bowls – POSTPONED's Story

Slice of Life Golf Classic – POSTPONED
The Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank is gearing up for the 28th Annual Slice of Life Golf Classic. The golf tournament will be held on Monday, September 28, 2020, at Carter Plantation in Springfield, LA. For the fifth year in a row, the Slice of Life Golf Classic is presented... Read Slice of Life Golf Classic – POSTPONED's Story

Volunteer for Valentine’s Day 2020!
Valentine’s Day is coming up! When thinking about the perfect date night, think about how serving others is a great way to show love. We have created a new twist to our Sort and Repack volunteer opportunity for February: Couples Night. “We are excited to offer this opportunity as a... Read Volunteer for Valentine’s Day 2020!'s Story

Restaurant Week 2020: Jan. 27 – Feb. 1
Get ready Baton Rouge, because DIG’s Restaurant Week is back! From Monday, January 27, to Saturday, February 1, diners will be able to enjoy three-course meals at 50+ of Baton Rouge’s best restaurants for a fraction of the cost. Prices range from $15 – $40 per person. Even better? Snap... Read Restaurant Week 2020: Jan. 27 – Feb. 1's Story

Local Farms Help Need for Fresh Produce in Partnership with Capitol City Produce
On Monday, November 11, 2019 the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank and Capitol City Produce held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Vince Ferachi Community Garden. The Vince Ferachi Community Garden’s purpose is to provide fresh produce, harvested by Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank volunteers, to those in need in... Read Local Farms Help Need for Fresh Produce in Partnership with Capitol City Produce's Story

Mobile Pantry Program Pilot Serves New Clients
The Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank is always trying to expand our outreach to serve those in our 11-parish service area. Recently, we began our Mobile Pantry Program with the goal of helping those in need that live in areas that are harder to serve than others. For instance, many... Read Mobile Pantry Program Pilot Serves New Clients's Story

2019 Reverse Advent Calendar to #FightHunger
The holiday season can be a difficult time for those who are food insecure. You can help by donating just one non-perishable food item for the next 12 days as a part of our reverse advent calendar. Fortunately, you probably already have these items in your pantry. If you start... Read 2019 Reverse Advent Calendar to #FightHunger's Story

Give to Fight Hunger this Feeding Tuesday – December 3, 2019
Everyone knows about Black Friday, Cyber Monday, even Small Business Saturday. Still, many are unaware of the global day of giving, #GivingTuesday! Giving Tuesday falls on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving every holiday season; however, we are putting our own spin on this movement to inspire others to give, collaborate and... Read Give to Fight Hunger this Feeding Tuesday – December 3, 2019's Story

Food Bank Donor Awarded the Spirit of Giving Award
Mr. Albert Fraenkel was presented the 2019 Spirit of Giving Award by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater Baton Rouge Chapter at its annual National Philanthropy Day Luncheon on Tuesday, November 12, 2019. The Spirit of Giving Award is awarded to an individual who exemplifies leadership in philanthropy to impact... Read Food Bank Donor Awarded the Spirit of Giving Award's Story