New Off-Site Volunteer Opportunity Now Available During COVID-19

As the need increases in our service area, the Food Bank is finding new ways to distribute food directly to those in need. Under normal operations, the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank is run as a warehouse facility. We solicit, procure, inventory and warehouse donated food and other products through... Read New Off-Site Volunteer Opportunity Now Available During COVID-19's Story

Pandemic Brings New Volunteers as Well as a Need for More

Donna Rogers first visited the Food Bank with her school group on a Saturday during normal operations. Months later, Donna saw a call for volunteers in the newspaper during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a teacher, she found herself with free time after her classes transitioned online, and she knew right... Read Pandemic Brings New Volunteers as Well as a Need for More's Story

Behind the Scenes of the Pandemic Impact to Member Agencies

Eelin Golan, the Executive Director of the Zachary Food Pantry, strongly believes her agency has to stay open as long as it can while the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to be felt by our community. When looking back to the beginning Eelin remembers stating, “we are going to... Read Behind the Scenes of the Pandemic Impact to Member Agencies's Story

Three Ways to Help Your Food Bank

Without the help of our community, the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank’s mission of feeding the hungry would not have been fulfilled once the COVID-19 pandemic struck our organization. To continue serving those in need during the pandemic, we will continue to need the community’s help. As a nonprofit organization... Read Three Ways to Help Your Food Bank's Story

Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank Receives $10,000 Grant for BackPack Program

Every weekend, holiday and school vacation, hundreds of low-income children, who depend on free or reduced-price school lunches, become at risk of hunger. In response to the COVID-19 evolving situation, schools across Louisiana began to move their lessons to an online platform to keep staff and students safe. This step,... Read Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank Receives $10,000 Grant for BackPack Program's Story

Senior Hunger During COVID-19

Robert Taylor’s wife was diagnosed with liver cancer last year and his family fell into a financial hardship. This 75-year-old senior attended the last Senior Grocery distribution before COVID-19. His family found a sense of relief after receiving assistance from the Food Bank, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Staying at... Read Senior Hunger During COVID-19's Story

Numbers of Food Insecure Increase as Inventory Levels Decrease

The operations of the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank were nothing of the ordinary for the month of April. During normal operations the Food Bank serves an average of 100,000 people a year but we are now serving an average of 50,000 people in just one month. Additionally, many of... Read Numbers of Food Insecure Increase as Inventory Levels Decrease's Story

An Inside Look at How Distributions Are Being Established During COVID-19

As the need increases in our service area, the Food Bank is finding new ways to distribute food directly to those in need. Under normal operations, the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank is run as a warehouse facility. We solicit, procure, inventory and warehouse donated food and other products through... Read An Inside Look at How Distributions Are Being Established During COVID-19's Story

Understanding the COVID-19 Impact to Your Food Bank

As many of you are aware, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been rapidly affecting the United States. COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person with symptoms including cough, fever and shortness of breath. These symptoms can show up within one to 14 days of exposure to... Read Understanding the COVID-19 Impact to Your Food Bank's Story

National Guard Responds to Food Bank Service Needs

With the evolving COVID-19 situation, the need for our services has increased as well as our need for volunteers. However, we are seeing a decrease in the number of volunteers at the Food Bank due to an abundance of safety from our community. Our President and CEO, Mike Manning, made... Read National Guard Responds to Food Bank Service Needs's Story