Answering the Call to Be a Caregiver for Others
Not everyone chooses the life of being a caregiver. Sometimes it chooses you. For Stacy Sholes, his life experiences have been largely shaped by taking care of others. From age 11, he had the keys to the house and was considered the primary care giver for his family. “I was... Read Answering the Call to Be a Caregiver for Others's Story

Finding Purpose Through Helping Community
For Lynn Mearidy, life hasn’t always been easy, but she’s always had her faith to fall back on in tough times. Born and raised in North Baton Rouge, Lynn fell ill after working as an East Baton Rouge Parish Schools bus driver for 22 years. Eventually, she would need to... Read Finding Purpose Through Helping Community's Story

How a Chance Encounter with a Food Pantry Changed Life’s Path
In everyone’s life, there are crossroads. Moments in time where we decide to choose the road less traveled, not knowing where that journey may take us. In that moment, the decision may seem rather insignificant, but over time we come to realize that it may have perhaps changed our lives... Read How a Chance Encounter with a Food Pantry Changed Life’s Path's Story

HOPE Ministries Providing More Than Just Food for Families
With summer break now coming to an end, many children will be returning to school. And for families struggling with food insecurity, it couldn’t come soon enough. Summer means higher food costs for families because kids can't access meals while not in school. Despite the challenges the summer brings, one... Read HOPE Ministries Providing More Than Just Food for Families's Story

The Way of the Shepherd | Nourishing Those In Need
Shepherd’s Market, as its name suggests, provides food to those in need and follows the three responsibilities of the Shepherd: lead by offering guidance, make sure those under its care are fed, nourished, and nurtured, and tend to those who need to be restored to fullness of health. The shepherd’s... Read The Way of the Shepherd | Nourishing Those In Need's Story

Mary’s House of Bread Providing Hope to North Baton Rouge
In the community of North Baton Rouge, sits a unique kind of house that has been helping those less fortunate for over two decades. It’s not a traditional family home, but rather a home where hundreds of families come for food, clothing, and most of all - hope. Mary’s... Read Mary’s House of Bread Providing Hope to North Baton Rouge's Story

A New Spirit Changing Hearts in Baton Rouge
Tucked away amongst the mighty oak trees along Sharp Road in Baton Rouge, sits The New Ruach Church. Its purpose is in its name: “Ruach”. A Hebrew word directly from Ezekiel that can mean “spirit”, “wind”, or “breath”. In these verses, God tells Ezekiel that he is going to give... Read A New Spirit Changing Hearts in Baton Rouge's Story

Serving With A Purpose
Tucked away in the city of Baton Rouge stands the Datta Temple. Established in 1997 under the guidance of Sri Ganapathi Sachchidanda Swamiji, it is fully staffed by a full-time priest who is trained in the ancient ways of Hinduism as it is practiced in India. The temple was the... Read Serving With A Purpose's Story

A Bright Star Shines The Way In Assumption Parish
The Bright Morning Star Church’s food pantry lives up to its name by acting as a guiding light for many food-insecure residents in Assumption Parish. Inside the pantry, however, holds its own star: the pantry’s director, Gwendolyn Hadrick. Since the pantry’s creation in 2019, Gwendolyn’s effervescent energy has... Read A Bright Star Shines The Way In Assumption Parish's Story

Hope Builders: Leading the Way for Volunteers
Behind the scenes at the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank is a group of 18 incredibly special volunteers who assist nearly 11,000 other volunteers throughout each year. Each of these volunteers averages over 1,000 hours annually in our warehouse sorting and repacking food which we then distribute to more than... Read Hope Builders: Leading the Way for Volunteers's Story