Interview with Brian Doyle, Committee Member of Empty Bowls
Each year, the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank benefits from many different events that promote the mission of our organization, which is to feed the hungry in Baton Rouge and the surrounding parishes by providing food and educational outreach through faith-based and other community partners. One event in particular that has received tremendous support is Empty Bowls and here’s... Read Interview with Brian Doyle, Committee Member of Empty Bowls's Story

Q&A with Board Chairman Eddie Hughes
In this new blog series, the will introduce you to a few of the Food Bank's board members. This Q&A is with our Board Chairman, Eddie Hughes. Name, Employer, Position Edward Hughes, Taylor Porter, Brooks, & Phillips, LLP Law Firm, Partner What are some of your hobbies? Golf, traveling, spending... Read Q&A with Board Chairman Eddie Hughes's Story

Your Nonperishable Food Donation
Have you ever wondered what happens to food once it has been donated to the Food Bank? Read on for an insider's view of the food sorting process and how it is distributed to those in need. Nonperishable foods are a staple to the Food Bank's work. Many local grocery stores have Food... Read Your Nonperishable Food Donation's Story

National Cereal Day!
The Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank has a huge support system of donors, volunteers and partners that go above and beyond to help us fight hunger throughout the community and our 11-parish service area. However, we often hear people say “I want to help but I’m not sure what your... Read National Cereal Day!'s Story

Highlights of 2017
Thanks to our wonderful supporters, 2017 was a great year for fighting hunger! Here's to another great year in 2018!

Slice of Life Golf Classic Scheduled for May 14
The Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank is gearing up for the Slice of Life Golf Classic. The golf tournament will be held on Monday, May 14, 2018 at Carter Plantation in Springfield, LA. For the third year in a row, the Slice of Life Golf Classic is presented by Sigma Engineers and Constructors,... Read Slice of Life Golf Classic Scheduled for May 14's Story

Stamp Out Hunger to Take Place May 12
Start collecting your nonperishable food items for the 26th Annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive presented by Home Bank on Saturday, May 12, 2018, hosted by the United States Postal Service and the National Association of Letter Carriers. Last year, this nationwide one-day food drive collected over 80.1 million pounds of... Read Stamp Out Hunger to Take Place May 12's Story

Empty Bowls 2018
What is Empty Bowls? Empty Bowls is an international project to fight hunger, personalized by artists and art organizations on a community level. This event will take place in Baton Rouge for the fourth year in a row, on April 14, 2018. You are invited to attend this special event,... Read Empty Bowls 2018's Story

Feeding Tuesday
Giving Tuesday is a world wide day of giving that takes place on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. People start their holiday shopping on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but Giving Tuesday is the start of the charitable season when many people are looking to give back to those in need.... Read Feeding Tuesday's Story

10/31 Consortium Halloween Parade
It’s time for the 10/31 Consortium’s 7th Annual Halloween Parade! Put on your costume and join 10/31 Consortium for the 2016 Baton Rouge Halloween Parade. (more…)