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Local High School Students Host Food and Fundraiser for Food Bank

Wednesday March 9, 2022

This week, Catholic High School and St. Joseph’s Academy begin their traditional annual competition. During this weeklong challenge, students from both schools collect points in multiple categories. The winner of Challenge Week is determined by the school that finishes with the most points.  

One such competition category is the canned food drive benefiting the Greater Baton Rouge Food bank. The schools receive points for raising food and funds for the Food Bank which are added to their total after their full day of games.  

This friendly competition between high schools will make a difference in the lives of individuals experiencing food insecurity, including those in their age group. Many children are at risk of missing meals during weekends and holidays when they are not in school receiving free or reduced-price lunches through the National School Lunch Program.  

Families continue to struggle with the effects of inflation, rising fuel costs, and the increasing price of food. Currently, Louisiana leads the nation in child hunger with 1 in 4 children in the state being food insecure. Higher food and fuel costs force families experiencing food insecurity and those who may have been able to get out of our lines to rely even more heavily on or return to food banks to fill the gap between each meal. 

Since 2004, Challenge Day has been filled with theme announcements, dress up days, pep rallies, and more. This weeklong event is a model example of steps for a successful food and fund drive. Be sure to check out our page here for other tips to help your office, school, or organization host a food and fund drive.  

Choose your school below to donate to the fund drive of your choice by clicking the button below. We will update you with a winner and a total of food/funds raised in the coming weeks! 

Just $1 can help provide up to 3 meals!



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